Misappropriation, Part 2

global warming mental health

Beyond revolutionary, this is evolutionary. The love/hate syndrome begins in the broken home, broken heart, broken spirit, broken bonds of trust. For those who seek recovery, a new channel of discovery…

Everyday is Earth Day

organic green vegetables in fertile rich soil

Mother Earth is heating up and the waters of this meltdown are her sweat and tears to flush out the toxic waste from her planetary body.

Nitty Gritty 9.8

Traditional ancestral union of masculine and feminine energy in action

Natural selection: green earth solar conscious rebirth within the divine union of masculine and feminine — whole life energy. The Sacred Garden Culture from which we come: solar-infused, plant-fueled…for the survival of humanity, Mama Earth and all living things thereof. Indigenous, traditional, ancestral sustainable living, securing our future generations.

Whole Life Reparations as Spiritual Climate Change for Generation Next

Be the change you want to see in the world, embody these holistic living values as a way of life and actively engage the next generation in thinking, reasoning and actions that contribute to a more humane, just and sustainable green earth solar conscious future for the sake of humanity, Mama Earth and all living things thereof.