Kwatamani Holistic Institute

Brain, Body & Spiritual Research and Development focused on the next phase of human evolution, 

the advancement and enhancement of soul to soul consciousness

Sustainable Living through Personal Transformation

October 21, 2024


what makes us different

The holistic living values we live by


Providing individuals with the knowledge and tools to adapt and thrive during these critical times of earth-shifting change.


Fostering a supportive network of like-minded individuals, building a foundation of collaboration, cooperation and resilience.

Action insights

Providing practical guidance in making positive lifestyle changes.

Inspiration and hope

Showcasing positive examples of holistic living achievement.

Be Prepared


Climate Change: Spiritual Change

The Spiritual Garden of Mother Earth: A Home For Humanity

As we observe the signs of climate change around us, if one looks closely, one can see how Mother Earth is expressing something very important: we need to change our way of being. 

Polluting her resources and ignoring her needs –something has to give.   Physical climate change on the planet has a direct parallel to spiritual climate change.

The energy crisis is real.  

The signs of depleted and devitalized energy manifest in mental, physical and spiritual disorder. The urgent need to upgrade to whole life energy becomes more and more visible.

Kemetic Teachings on Green Earth Solar Consciousness

The Kemetic treasures were collected, researched, and translated into scholarly texts such as The Papyrus of Ani, known as The Book of Coming Forth by Day and by Night, and many, many other writings. We note that the scholarly translations and interpretations have been conducted by populations who had no holistic living experience that could connect them to the consciousness of higher peace that defined the Kemetic reality. Thus, what the I in I encountered was severe distortions and deceptions based on the corrupting nature of those who were in position to tell the story.  p. 56, 

from ☥ The Ausarian Sacred Ancestral Temple of KRIST
Kemetic spirituality represented by the Benu Bird

Introducing a new way

to consume the optimum fuel for mental, physical and spiritual wholesome health and well-being.

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Transform your life, transform the planet.

We strive to create a healing and revealing space where individuals can become more informed, more aware, and more focused to explore their full potential and develop their creativity and spirituality within a collective movement of whole life energy.

Keys to Wholesome Health and Well-being

The beauty of you is a work in progress. Keeping it raw, real and naturally beautiful — inside and out. That’s what whole life transformation is all about. Start with the nature of energy that one consumes as the fueling source of every mental, physical and spiritual manifestation.

Positive thinking in action, planting seeds

Mental, physical and spiritual wholesome health and well-being fueled by the fruits of the Tree of Life in Mother Earth’s Sacred Garden Culture paradise.

⚖︎A return to our ancient Kemetic garden culture consciousness has been highly anticipated as the soul to soul evolution of humanity. ☥

⚖︎Holistic living research that focuses on mental, physical and spiritual wholesome health and well-being as the next step in human evolution, higher consciousness and the our global transformation to sustain the advancement of humanity as a soul to soul being. ☥

⚖︎To this end, the Kwatamani Holistic Institute promotes divine social economic family community order as the Kemetic wisdom encoded in the NTR or nature of Maat.☥

Positive attitude inspires gratitude

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