Manifest Your Destiny

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As we have noted, the primary aim of the energy that opposes Supreme Love and the Essence of Life is to desecrate the divine union of masculine and feminine energy. The most effective way to do that is to break the bond of union between the solarized male and the solarized female. That is, to degrade the male’s presence through the female and degrade the female’s presence through the male. After desecrating and degrading the image of both the male and the female the aim is to point the finger of blame at the victim for his or her victimized state of being, thereby, using his or her lack of ability to move out of a victimized mindset as clear and obvious proof of his or her inferiority…page 292 

Regenerating Relationships

One Response

  1. YES INdeeds Thru Humility We Must Learn The Signs, SignALLs & SENSEaSUNs Of Whole SOuL KonnektSUN & ForWard ThIS To The GeneraSUN Next🙏🏽🤲🏽🫶🏿🥰😍😘

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