Nitty Gritty 4: Soul to Soul Journeying
Beyond Climate Change Extinction

Organic Veganic gardening food security and sustainable plant agriculture in the midst of climate change

The Children of the Sun, emerged as whole life herbivores within the Sacred Garden Culture from which we come, that is mental, physical and spiritual consumers of whole life energy provided by the sun. We have been the keepers of the land for millennia, the grand-master gardeners, herbalists, and botanists who seek to preserve and conserve the natural resources of Mother Earth. Excerpt page 484 from

THE PROPHETIC 12,594-YEAR BENU CYCLE: Encoding the Consciousness of Higher Peace through the Divine Union of Masculine and Feminine Energy – BOOK 3. Spiritual Analysis of Western Culture and the Re-Awakening of Naga Consciousness by High Priest Kwatamani

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Our focus is on maintaining fertile, productive soil as the base of our food supply. It only stands to reason that an herbivore would make it a priority to know about plants and how plants grow, and all the elements of plant life, including the water cycle, weather patterns, and climate changes.  

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