Green Earth Solar Conscious Recovery: Stay In-formed
A Change Done Come
Time to recover our First Genesis roots as the keepers of a green earth solar conscious way of life. Whole life recovery requires whole life fuel to detox, purge and heal. High Priest Kwatamani delivers a powerful, revealing and uplifting message.
Eye-opening video →→→

See It, Believe It, Retrieve It
Re-connecting and re-balancing with the gifts of Mother Nature during these crucial times of earth-shifting change. Take affirmative steps forward, towards an attainable, sustainable future.
We are a part of a wonderful and magnificent whole life movement, recovery of the heart and soul of humanity. Join us as we gather from all walks of life to converge within green earth solar consciousness. Contact us, leave a comment below, subscribe to our free newsletter.

Soul Survival
Those who harm Mother Earth through pollution, contamination, and the corruption of her nurturing energy ultimately seal their own destiny. In

Breaking the Spell
As we cross the threshold of a new Benu cycle of long foreseen transformation, humanity is faced with a choice: to

Subconscious detox
Research indicates that up to 95% of our behaviors and reactions occur at the subconscious level. Tap into a transforming power

Holistic Living Change
Change for the better, change for the worse? What is the blessing, what is the curse?

Misappropriation, Part 2
Beyond revolutionary, this is evolutionary. The love/hate syndrome begins in the broken home, broken heart, broken spirit, broken bonds of trust.

Everyday is Earth Day
Mother Earth is heating up and the waters of this meltdown are her sweat and tears to flush out the toxic