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The basics of regenerating masculine and feminine relationships  refers to the process of renewing, rebuilding, and restoring relationships that have become damaged, strained, or distant due to the consumption of an oppositional nature of energy. Regenerative relationships involve actively working to improve communication and soul to soul connection with the goal of revitalizing and strengthening the relationship. 

The quality of our relationships has a significant impact on the overall sense of well-being and wholesome health.  When it comes to masculine and feminine dynamics, emotional healing and understanding are crucial to regenerating strong and nourishing connections.

Detoxing and purging to heal past issues, rebuilding trust, and fostering a renewed sense of closeness and harmony are vital elements in regenerating relationships. It’s a proactive and intentional effort to create a healthier and more positive relationship dynamic.

Kwatamani First Genesis Tribe speaks from hands-on experience into the third generation.

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Misappropriation, Part 2

Beyond revolutionary, this is evolutionary. The love/hate syndrome begins in the broken home, broken heart, broken spirit, broken bonds of trust. For those who seek recovery, a new channel of discovery…

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Everyday is Earth Day

Mother Earth is heating up and the waters of this meltdown are her sweat and tears to flush out the toxic waste from her planetary body.

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